Macoun Apple Review
"The One-Night Stand"

The Macoun Apple (pronounced “Mc-cow-an” after Canadian horticulturist W.T. McCown – not “Mc-Coon”, which is basically a racial slur wrapped in a Happy Meal) is a fragile, purplish himbo that will blow you away for one magical night of ecstasy before dissipating into a slush-ball of regret the moment the sun comes up.
Developed in 1920s Upstate New York, this gaslighting flirt deceptively charms the unsuspecting and lonesome with its ultra-thin skin, complex berry-like flavor and solid crunch present when picked at peak freshness directly from a tree. But like a booty call that decides to stay for breakfast, any flicker of a notion at a long-term relationship is quickly dashed as this actually quite disgusting dirtbag turns into a mealy, tasteless flesh-sack within days of being brought home. And after two weeks…you are dealing with nothing but a repulsive bag of ass rooting around your fridge as you get ready for work.



McIntosh x Jersey Black
Geneva, NY
Two Weeks In Fall
Munching, Pies
You know, the moment I saw this review, I was highly offended. I’ve always touted Macouns as the best apple I’ve ever eaten, the apple to top all others. How could someone possibly think it’s only mediocre????
Then, I read your review.
See, I’ve only ever eaten Macouns I picked fresh from an orchard. You might actually have a point.
Macouns are he best. Brian has no clue what he’s talking about.
I prefer Mcoun spples to all others for eating.
I looooove Macouns! But yeah, they’re in season for about a day and have to be eaten pretty much straight from the tree.
I love macouns(of course my dad called them mcoons). I also pick them fresh from the orchard. I do find that if I refrigerate them that they remain tolerable for a week and then loose crispiness and sweetness.
I tried a bag of Macouns. The flavor was ok, but there might have been something missing. And yes, after maybe 10 days in the fridge, they started to go bad.
Very much agree that they have absolutely no longevity, but hot damn they are my #1 when they are fresh
Stored correctly they can even be awesome in March
Stored correctly at the Orchard believe it or not they can be good even in March. Might not be just as if off the tree but still really good
TBF most heirlooms don’t have any holding ability to speak of, because in the past apples weren’t expected to be available in stores across the country year round. You either ate them immediately or preserved them, so shelf life wasn’t a consideration. It is relevant now but I think that should be a separate category. Retailers also need to be aware of it and apples like this should only be sold during their brief peak, preferably at locations within a day of the orchard. Comparing them to modern hybrids bred for longevity after months in storage is bound to be an unpleasant experience.
This review while accurate to some degree is as tasteless as an overripe Macoun . The racial slur comment is nonsensical , and is in itself racist. Get a new reviewer .
Who should I get?
I agree with Jim. The essence of the review is accurate and helpful; why add the suggestive/crude slop?
This review is salty but funny, bc not wrong on the horrifying short-livedness of Macoun apples; left out of the refrigerator they not only quickly lose crispness, but will actually go bad (moldy inside) in 4 or 5 days (at least here in GA). But we all have refrigerators, and if you find some just put them in the crisper drawer and eat them real quick. As to availability – the one place I know of that carries them has them pretty much all winter. Finally, the praise of a fresh Macoun is far too faint. Idk about other people but to me it smells and tastes faintly of a fragrant rose. I wait for them all year!
I’ve had a lot of apples in my day. These, in-season, are bar-none the best there is.
This score is doing them dirty for subjective reasons, but if it lowers the demand and keeps me well-stocked, I’m all for it!
Sometimes all you’re looking for is a one night stand.
So it’s not the apple you bring home to meet grandma or try to keep a dozen to bake into a pie. For that one moment of perfection there is strawberry, and earth, and spices, and cunning flavour reminiscent of a properly made raspberry iced tea. It is satisfying and familiar and exotic all at once. On hot September evenings my tree of macouns quenches a thirst and hunger in a seductive and sweet way that few others do, or can.
But yeah. Have them gone by morning or it’s only good to blend into a pork sauce.
Macouns are great for apple sauce. You need not add any sugar to the sauce, just the apples. I agree that they do not last, but they are one of my favorite apples when in season. I do purchase them from an orchard.
They don’t keep well, but unless you buy a huge quantity of them, that’s not a problem. They’re so good when fresh that they won’t be around long enough to go bad.
From the tree in my backyard these are wonderful. They hold fine in the fridge for a couple weeks. If you can get some from an orchard and eat them reasonably soon you’ll be very pleased.
I usually buy Macouns at or near the orchard, and they are my favorites; I find they keep well in the refrigerator for a couple of months. I have also bought them a few times in the supermarket when we couldn’t get to the orchard; each time, they were over-sized and every bit as bad as described in the review.
The best fresh apple. Does not hold well,
Odd to have to state this on an Apple site, but if the first thing you think of when hearing the the second syllable of Macoun is a racial slur and not a ringed-tailed, black-masked furry garbage enthusiast you might want to check yourself.
I bought one in the supermarket (in mid-October) and it was delicious. I’m thinking of making a pie and freezing it for the holidays
I don’t want to hand it to you because I love these apples, but they are Cinderella’s coach waiting to turn back into a pumpkin. And the ones the farm stores in the cold for two months are just abysmal.
The only flaw of the Macoun, as everybody here states, is that it doesn’t keep or transport well. If you aren’t buying it at the orchard or at least in a paper sack at the grocery, from a local orchard, then yes, you’ll be disappointed. But as a fresh apple (the way apples ought to be) then nothing beats it. Nothing.
I came here to look up another “apple-of-the-month” I found, to decide if it was worth buying. But I can tell from this rating that this website will be worthless to me.