Ruby Frost Apple Review
"Thick-Skinned New York Fuckboi"

You wanna talk about a handsome apple? This New York bred sex-fruit will ride you like the A-Train from here to Poughkeepsie. Only problem is, like most hot New Yorkers, this puppy has a skin so thick getting through to this fuckboi is like trying to cross the GW Bridge at rush hour. But hey, If you’re able to choke down the seat-belt strap material that it calls ‘skin’ you’ll be rewarded with a great snap and mildly sweet taste that’s juicier than a pigeon’s ass over heeee. Too bad that’s impossible.
Branding / Consistency

★★★★★ 3.5/5

★★★★★ 2/5

★★★★★ 2.5/5
Braeburn x Autumn Crisp
Cornell University
Winter Apple, Baking
I laughed so hard at this one.
Ruby Frost is still my #1 ranking apple and the Envy, Kanzi, Sweet Tango and Lady Alice are up there.
The skin may be thick but I’m definitely in the minority who really likes it!
If you can get past the skin the Ruby Frost tastes very good!
Seems like I am in the minority in the apple skin lovers group, which shows because this is my favorite apple.
Like seriously, my mother had to FORCE me to eat the rest of the apple down to the core once the skin was gone.
My family is right with your opinion! They are half the price of honey crisps and have become out go to in the late season, when they’re available!
I like your spirit, you’re the only person I can think of who would call one apple a “firey bich” and another a “New York fucboi” on the same website.
I just ate a bunch of these, the skin wasn’t noticeably thicker than any other. Flavor was incredible, best I’ve had in a while.
This review deserves some kind of award.
Ruby Frosts sustain my “fancy” apple cravings when I don’t want to buy jumbo Honeycrisps and can’t find Snapdragons, but Rubies are genuinely good on their own merits. Honestly, this is an apple that could be called “Red Delicious” and not be a baseless lie. I’ve recommended them to others and they’ve all thanked me for it.
I concur with your assessment of the formidable exterior of this fruit, akin to diamond, the hardest known metal. However, once overcoming this culinary obstacle, I found the flavor to be quite pleasing. The grape-like notes in the taste were refreshing and invigorating. In terms of my personal flavor profile, I would rank this fruit just below my current top choice, the Envy.
Love a good red apple. TY OP for this, reminds me of the good ol’ days, eating rubies and kissing dudies
HA!!! I googled is skin on a ruby frost thick and found this awesome (and IMHO, accurate) review. I had my first one yesterday and was like WTF!! Will not be buying more and glad I only bought one. I searched to see if perhaps the one I had was a one off but appears not!
Idk, this one really does it for me. It’s like… what red delicious should have been. Really a classic – not overly sweet, a good hint of tart, crisp juicy white flesh, and a beautiful coat. I’ve never minded apples with thicker skin. It’s when thick skin is wrapped around a mealy interior that it becomes heinous. This is really one of my favorites.
I purchased a few Envy apples at ALDI in North Myrtle Beach store in South Carolina, USA. One was totally “seedless'” I read that this is a very rare occurrance for an apple. May I post photos somewhere?
Lynn in North Carolina
To me a good RF tastes like peaches a little! And while I agree that the skin can be thick, it’s still got the snap that makes it easy to bite. Unlike those godforsaken off-season Macs covered in shoe leather.
I am wondering what is used to shine up this Ruby Frost apple – the safety to eat or the need to wash off the wax
These are the worst apples I have ever purchased. Its fall and the bag states autumn apples good. Not good they are rotten on the inside and is miley, dry terrible. I had to put them in the garbage. I purchased them at Sams Club. Do not buy these apples.