Blondee Apple Review
"The Mutant Gala"

At the turn of the millennium Tom and Bob McLaughlin (not to be confused with midwest radio hosts Bob and Tom) were taking a folksy stroll through their orchard when something caught their eye. A yellow apple growing on a Gala tree. Now, everyone and their mother knows that Gala apples are red. Not yellow. So how did this freckly, golden invader come to pass? Well – it turns out it was a mutant. A cosmic fluke. An aberration. We’ve all seen variations on a tree before. They’re called “sports” in apple parlance. But a yellow apple growing on a Red Gala tree? Someone call Maury! Or maybe Professor X.
Now, ol’ Tom and Bob may have simple names, but they have big ideas, and this “Yellow Gala”, as it is sometimes referred, was to be cultivated as a brand new apple that would become known as The Blondee – which is a fine name but I personally think the name “Mutant Gala” would’ve sold more apples.
Fascinating origin story aside, the Blondee apple is not the evolutionary superior to the Gala. A little too dense and not quite juicy enough, this rather crunchy, rare early-season yellow apple has a decent flavor complexity ranging from spicy to sweet. But, all-in-all, nothing about this apple warrants the effort it would take to acquire. Basically, if this mutant was an X-Men character, it probably wouldn’t make it into the movies.



Kidd’s Orange Red
Portsmouth, Ohio
Late Summer – Early Fall
Platters, Salads
The Yellow Gala
Eat These Apples Instead
- Opal Apples
- Aurora Golden Gala
- GoldRush Apple
Is there an actual difference in quality or purely aesthetic? You gave it an extra half point in sweetness and intensity, but Galas end up a full 8 points higher overall based solely on the fact that they’re cheap and everywhere, as far as I can tell.
You are nuts!!! This apple is my new favorite !!! I would travel far for this the Blondee apple… it is delicious one of the best ones out there
Curious how fresh and how many of each variety you eat before scoring. I bought 10 lbs of blondee’s this year from an orchard in WI. Most of them were very good. Light years better than Gala. However, a few of them lacked flavor.
I used these both fresh eating and baked in oatmeal apple bars. Worked great and tasted great. Was decent for cider juice, but as you mentioned didnt yield much juice.
I always buy some when I go to door county. Only place I have ever seen them. I think these apples are great! Probably will plant my own tree this year so I can grow my own.