Lemonade Apple Review

"The Not Quite Lemonade Apple"

Barely Worth It
Lemonade Apple

This oblong imposter from New Zealand’s Yummy Fruit Company does not taste like lemonade. It does, however, taste like a regular apple that was accidentally dropped in lemonade. This may come as a disappointment since, with its bright yellow exterior and snappy branding, you’d expect the Lemonade Apple to send you into a citrusy vortex of cockeyed hysterics, forcing your brain to cope with a contradiction of fruity discord that leaves you penniless and naked on a street corner begging pedestrians to slap you back into what you once considered reality. However, maybe we don’t need such extremities in these troubled times. Great for gift bags!

Branding / Consistency
Cost / Availability




Red Apple Icon



Red Apple Icon



Red Apple Icon


Royal Gala x Braeburn


New Zealand


Early 2000s




Gift Bags

24 thoughts on “Lemonade Apple Review”

    1. The person who wrote this review of lemonade apples is showing his extreme lack of intelligence. My wife and

      Robert Wood I thought they were the absolutely best apples ever. We ate apples all the time, at least until the store stopped selling the lemonade apples.

  1. I was very excited to try this new Apple. Expecting a lemony tart Apple taste. Unfortunately it left me puzzled. Tasted like a golden delicious. Very deceptive branding. Very disappointed.

      1. GT (CEO & apple expert)

        “…think it was gonna be super sour based on the name…”??? This makes zero sense. Literally, who tf drinks sour lemonade? This is America and we load our lemonade with sugar. Did you ever set up a lemonade stand as a kid? You were selling sour lemonade? Jfc.

  2. I am surprised Lemonade scored so low. I discovered them a few years ago and fell hard. I don’t see them in my area that much anymore unfortunately.

  3. This is however, a very improved golden delicious. This rock hard dense fruit may be one note and not worth the pain it’s causing my jaw, right now, but it would make a fantastic sauce apple or a richly sweet addition to a cider blend (fresh or hard), perhaps alongside pink lady.

  4. Had never heard of these until a few months ago, tried them out of curiosity, now I am a huge fan! Really sweet but hard to find. Got these in an Asian grocery store, will just have to keep an eye out for them. Have not seen them in any of the stores I’ve been to . If you do run on to them, definitely give them a try.

  5. Just tried one today! First saw them at my local market, dollar cheaper than my usual pizazz or honey crisp favorites. Lemonade apples just moved to the top of fave list, the price difference being a bonus. Perfect simply sliced, unpeeled, or dipped in homemade caramel sauce for dessert!

  6. Tried one today. I honestly expected Golden Delicious to be in the heritage because it just tastes like a slightly improved one. Very mediocre and the branding completely misses the mark.

  7. So if Lemonade is merely the trademark and not the actual variety name. What is the variety name. Just another example of the the huge sham that it the use of trademarks as fake variety names. Eg Granny Smith , Golden Delicious and Jonathan are all genuine variety names. Jazz , Lemonade and Kanzi are all mere trademarks which as such are only meant to identify the PRODUCER and not the PRODUCT ie the apple itself

  8. Trish Baughman

    I tried for the first time and really enjoyed it. Cosmic Crisp and Envy are still the my favorites.

  9. Unimpressive so far. My particular taste buds detect a similarity to its Gala parent, but the flavor is not as intriguing as I hoped. Very firm bite for sure. I think people’s abilities to taste vary sufficiently to make one person pick up things that another does not. I allow for that. Just to give an idea of what I like: Pink Lady, Gala, Opal.

  10. these were delicious! very sweet with a light tartness that provides a balance. the texture is amazing and they really did taste like lemonade. sad the reviewer seems to have gotten a bad batch!

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