Gala Apple Review
"The Inoffensive Mainstay"

The Gala is a robust apple that can be and is grown all over the world all year-long. As a result, it has become a wholly inoffensive mainstay that can be found in any supermarket, at any time, anywhere in the developed world. In fact, in 2018 the Gala surpassed the gag-worthy Red Delicious as America’s Most Popular Apple. This does not mean the Gala is some kind of transcendent Godsend. On the contrary, it is more akin to an uncool step-parent who eventually wins you over simply by consistently showing up. Red Delicious – please leave, we have a new father now.
The Gala is known by many names depending on where it is grown: Annaglo, Galaxy, Regala, Tenroy, Mondial Gala, Royal Gala, Rainier Gala. This can lead to wildly inconsistent freshness, depending on the time of year and where you’re located. You MUST buy Gala’s that are grown where it is currently Autumn. The Royal Gala from New Zealand (Queen Elizabeth II’s favorite apple – hence “Royal”) should be freshest April – June. Meanwhile, the Rainier Gala from Washington State should be freshest September – December. Take note of this, fellow munchers, for an off-season Gala may be nothing more than a six-month old, previously frozen, grain silo in a fruit jacket.
BONUS POINTS: +2 Availability, +1 Cider Rank



Kidd’s Orange Red
New Zealand
Annaglo, Galaxy, Regala,
Tenroy, Mondial Gala, Royal Gala,
I do not get what the hype is about these apples and why it is such a popular variety for stores to carry.
8.5/10 it is actually so good You guys are just too mean
Galas are a fine apple but compared to all the other apples in the world I think they are ranked properly
No way you’ve eaten every apple in the world
I wonder if they use wax. I don’t see any.
I wouldn’t say that their score is too bad, but I do agree with having them a bit higher like a 75.
Thanks Janeth
Phenomenal apple when stewed, no additional sugar required. Their wonderful natural sweetness seems to double when cooked.
Considering the availability of these apples in nearly every grocery store, I would say that the Gala apple is a hard 75! They have that initial crisp when you first bite into it while having soft and sweet innards. Their natural sweetness should rank them a bit higher than mediocre, more like above average! Also, I don’t see having 1/5 in tartness as a bad thing, it should be good that your apples are not sour! Overall, Gala apples should rise up to 75!
ʕ ·ᴥ·ʔ人ʕ·ᴥ· ʔ
Yeah consistency and availability will be taken into further consideration when I do my annual re review of the Gala. Fair point!
I think “mediocre” isn’t a good description of the four apples in this category. “Good” would be better description. To me, “mediocre” would be a lower ranking than “serviceable.” “Good”, on the other hand, captures the spirit of “the inoffensive mainstay” much better. Good, not very good, not excellent, not fabulous, but better than serviceable.
These are good points. Maybe something like “Good enough”? Something to think on
The gala apple saved me before an exam. I currently have 3 on my plate right now. There should be a ranking for how soft the insides of an apple are as they melt like butter in your mouth. These are the best apples I have ever eaten, but if I can find another with soft flesh such as the gala that may change.
yo this is bait
my testicles are currently stuck in a pencil sharpener. thats ok though because im eating a banana ( best apple)
These apples are pretty good for baking aswell !
I completely agree. I just had a Gala and it was the most basic and uninteresting experience of my life. There was nothing particularly bad about, and there was nothing particularly good either. The taste was decent, but bland and uninteresting. The density was good enough, but the skin and flesh were slightly subpar. If you relate to normal SpongeBob, than this is the perfect apple for you: bland, boring, and overall very emotionless
Gala are the worst apples I’ve ever tried.
They taste like your gramma soaked in old lady perfume.
I bought Cosmic Crisp and Envy the last 2 weeks, both good. A month ago Honeycrisp, which some went to the deer, not good. Today I see Gala from Chile, you think they’re a better choice than the first two, after they been 6 months in storage? And the Gala’s are a better deal. All from Sam’s Club.
I’ve had too many of these over the years and have gotten sick of the flavor. Their taste reminds of the way stink bugs smell.
Got to throw in my two cents worth as well. I like Gala apples, as well as Fujis, Honey Crisps, Pink Ladies and Snapdragons. I favor the Snapdragon over the rest but they are all good eating. It truly depends on where they come from and when you get them.
Mike so true does matter where you get them. We find with our customers that they usually favor SnapDragon over Gala too.
I used to buy these until they started tasting like grass.
They are not sweet like they used to be.
I don’t buy them anymore.
Gala apples are awesome and one of the most popular still today on our site.
They are easy to produce duh.
And can grow almost anywhere.
Galas are always mushy. Bad apple. Fuji better.
I had switched from Fugi to Galas six years ago. They were great, sweet, not too tart, and always crisp. The last two years I’d been trying to find a good bag occasionally getting one that was crispy. The last year every week I bought a bag and nothing but mush ! I quit those and am now onto Honeycrisps.
this apple absolutely picks mario in mario party. there’s just no divaliciousness. this isn’t mother. this is cousin. this is the apple your grandmother feeds you as a kid and it’s perfectly fine in that context, but now you can buy your own apples. move on to greener pastures.
for plain eaitng, these apples suck. i agree with hennyz and jon. the eventual crisp apple is generally fine, theyre not too sweet or flavourful but theyre fine. otherwise 90% of the time it is just mush, its disgusting and quite honestly disgraceful and disappointing to be greeted with a gala apple in todays age. move on to a better apple.
Yes, so mushy, even when supposedly in-season. Yuck.
Brian Frange can suck a fart.
Usually my family buys Honeycrisp apples, so that’s what I was expecting when I bit into a Gala apple yesterday (my blood sugar was low so I wasn’t paying attention). Taste is fine, but the flesh is a bit mushy in a way I *really* don’t like. Since they’re US-grown apples and it’s October, there shouldn’t be a season problem.
Better than Red Delicious, but still pretty crappy in my opinion.
One of the most overrated apples. Always mealy.
I firmly believe that 70 is a perfect ranking. Unless perfectly fresh and in season, this apple will do everything it can to exfoliate the inside of your mouth with its unique combination of dryness and mealiness. This is a C- apple. Why do I feel so certain of this you may ask. Because I’m currently staring down the barrel of a half eaten Gala trying to muster the strength to take another bite.
I had them with some peanut butter and they were so good I’ll never use a different apple for peanut butter again. I thought I didn’t even like galas! I randomly decided to give them another try the other day and boy was I impressed. I agree with others, these are a solid 80