Cripps Pink Apple Review
"The Understudy of the Pink Lady"

Let me be clear: Cripps Pink and Pink Lady Apples are not the same apple. Yes, it is true that Cripps Pink and Pink Lady Apples are the same genetic variety. Certain enterprising breeders may even have the audacity to claim that there is no difference between the two varieties other than a fancy trademark. But do not be fooled! Cripps Pink apples are inferior to the Pink Lady. They are the practice squad, the understudies, the B-Team – a sad, hopeless crop of dashed dreams performing a depressing charade like a group of retirees with a local theater group.
You must earn the title of Pink Lady. And the Cripps Pink apples you see in the store, after being evaluated for sugar content, firmness, color, and blemishes did not make the cut. That’s not to say a few stray Cripps Pinks might not offer a passing note of satisfaction here and there. But if you’re looking for consistency, strong flavor, and a beautiful pink exterior – pay the Cripps Pink no heed.



Lady Williams x Golden Delicious
Western Australia
Munching, Baking
Eat These Apples Instead
Cripps Pink Is Better Than
- Red Delicious Apples
- Ruby Frost Apples
- Breeze Apples
These are comparable to Red Delicious in my experience :/
some are just too small to be Pink Ladies! Do not underestimate Cripps Pink
Can u pls do the Bravo Apple next
I have personally never had a bad Cripps Pink Lady Apple. I in fact thought that the name Cripps was a brand similar to “Dole” bananas, so I haven’t noticed the difference (other than the small and more muted appearance). I always buy Pink lady’s-Cripps or not-so I have tried a lot of batches from different stores and areas of the US and AUS over the years. I’m very surprised to learn of the terrible experiences others have had with this variety.
I have had Pink Lady apples, which paled to Honey Crisp. Just had 2 batches of Cripps and Pink Lady and even Honey Crisp have paled in the departments of crisp, tart, and sweet. Slightly smaller than Pink Lady, these smaller beauties of Cripps concentrated all the goodness of Honey Crisp and Jazz in one. Not even vaguely like Pink Lady which I’ve eaten for years.
Have always preferred the Cripps Pink over the Pink Lady. Always a little crisper always slightly more tart than sweet. It is my belief that you wrote the review you did in order to steer people away from the clearly superior specimen of apple in order to keep them eating the lesser, Pink Lady! For shame!
Leave the local theater groups alone!
Anybody can state about an appropriate USDA Zone hardiness for that variety please?